Horace Mann - Winter 2012 - (Page 10)

celebrating 125 years: preparing great and giving lives line at www.HoraceMann.org/StrategicThinking.   Some highlights are outlined here. cuRRicuLum Horace Mann’s Strategic Thinking document sets goals for the years ahead in the school’s academic program. The document affirms the notion that “The Life of the Mind is the essence of a school” and describes HM’s pedagogical philosophy and teaching initiatives, detailing thoughts about curriculum and ongoing curricular review in the Nursery Division through the Upper Division, and at the school’s John Dorr Nature Laboratory. One idea outlined in this section is to “Create a forward-looking curriculum that encourages curiosity and creativity and imparts the information and skills that students need as they prepare for lifelong learning. Another is to further demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion in curricular choices. make Horace Mann School an inclusive and welcoming environment.” A section on “Inclusion and Diversity” defines this further as needing to: “maintain the school’s commitment to inclusion through programming and communication that reaches all” and to “maintain and enhance the socioeconomic diversity of the Horace Mann family, including the development of a long-range plan for financial aid.” Physical space In reviewing Horace Mann’s facilities and physical plant the document notes that the school strives to “provide state-of-the-art facilities for state-of-the-art programming.” As Horace Mann looks to its future, the document notes that the school will “continue the work of the Board of Trustees, the Administrative Council, and the faculty to meet immediate and future physical plant needs.” Horace Mann will also “continue the planning for the construction and renovation of athletic and science facilities to serve Pedagogy and student well-being grades six-through-twelve, and re-vision the portion of the One goal of the school’s philosophy described in the docucampus that includes the current Lower Division, Business ment is to “maintain our commitment to outstanding Office, Alumni House and Development Office, and the teaching by encouraging innovation” while also embarkHead of School’s House. With regard to these plans for the ing “on a program of institutional research to enhance future, HM’s focus is on the relationship of the academic instruction and future curriculum planning.” While great program and community life, with curricular and co-curattention is given to the depth of classroom content, efforts ricular elements of the school experience driving the deto “enhance the variety of learning experiences to ensure sign and building of new structures. The need to enhance that there is time in the day for reflection, relaxation, and science and technological education is a key element of a recreation in addition to traditional school activities” are strong future for HM and its students. encouraged. Promoted as well is “an awareness of nutrition, exercise, and rest by all members of the community” aDminiSTRaToRS anD facuLTy mEmBERS commEnT on Hm’S STRaTEGic THinKinG DocumEnT in order “to support a balance between academics and wellness that allows The Life of the Mind to thrive.” The Strategic Thinking document represents the thoughts of HM administrators on the imperatives of education today. HM and surrounding communities Among these are how science studies and international The Strategic Thinking document addresses relationships awareness will become ever more significant in a global socithe school has with its students and families, as well as with ety that is increasingly interconnected, and in which students alumni. Interaction with the surrounding community and acquire knowledge from an array of technological sources community engagement through service and other initiathat are still emerging. Far from eschewing the potent stutives are important aspects of the school’s future direction. dent/classroom teacher relationship that is so valued a part Attention to faculty life is outlined in detail. One section of the Horace Mann experience, the Strategic Thinking document suggests ways to strengthen Horace Mann’s tradition of of the document describes the school’s resources, definexcellent teaching by embracing technological advances that ing these as the human resources in which Horace Mann can deepen the academic experience. School takes so much pride: its students, teachers, adminHorace Mann School Division Heads and administraistrators, and staff; its parents; its devoted alumni; and the tors shared their thoughts on aspects of the Strategic greater community of the many constituencies that supThinking process as follows: port Horace Mann’s Annual Fund, capital needs, and the school’s endowment. Emphasis is placed on Horace Mann’s continuing efforts to incorporate lessons of environmental Director of Institutional Research and Enrollment, Lisa Moreiera: A Strategic Thinking document, at its sustainability and communal accountability imparted at core, speaks to who we want to be as we move into the “Dorr” throughout HM’s campuses and curricula. future. While faculty, program and curriculum are key Who makes up the current and future Horace Mann School community is an important part of the document. A elements of the educational experience, the other children with whom a student shares the learning experience are section on “Students and Families” reiterates the school’s critical too. Each year when we enroll new families and admission and student retention goal of “continuing to 10 Horace mann magazine Winter 2012 http://www.HoraceMann.org/StrategicThinking

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Winter 2012

Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Greetings from Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings from Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School’s 125th Anniversary Observances Begin
Strategic Thinking
New Initiatives in Institutional Research and Admissions
HM's New Director of College Counseling
Timothy HO and Monica Merlo are 2011 Tina and Dave Bellet Teaching Excellence Award Winners
Langfan Oratorical Contest, 2011
Horace Mann School Graduates 178 in June, 2011
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes
Philanthropy and You

Horace Mann - Winter 2012
