Horace Mann - Winter 2012 - (Page 25)

news of the school ment no longer a part of admissions, he atmosphere—that isn’t based on fact. i can say that as a Horace Mann paris able to do a lot more outreach. His ent. as a researcher, i know a ‘warm personal magnetism is invaluable in a mEETinG of THE minDS SuPPoRTS our external relationships, as well as in feeling’ is not something quantifiable, “THE LifE of THE minD” but institutional research can help show relating to families applying to Horace “Jason and i have worked incredibly what this means. Surveys of students, Mann, or in the HM community.” well together over the years,” said The outreach caldwell is currently en- alumni, and families can represent the Moreira. “He was one of our best gaged in, the administrators explained, true experience, and provide insight we student ambassadors. We worked is not about bringing more applicants to can analyze and report.” beautifully together when we brought Horace Mann, but about “reaching kids him to Horace Mann in 2004 to work in we may not otherwise reach, and bring- GaTHERinG DaTa To STREnGTHEn HoRacE mann admissions. i was sorry to see him go.” ing in the right students.” Said caldwell, “i had no inten“We’re very, very happy with our “What can institutional research do?” tion of leaving my position at packer students today. They are amazing asked Moreira. “institutional research collegiate, but the opportunity to work kids,” said Moreira. “last year we had is about collecting data, but more. i’m with lisa again was too positive not to a 33 percent increase in applications all about the data, not just for the sake accept. i had gotten calls from other so, outreach isn’t about bringing more of having data, but for what it tells us. it schools, and i kept saying no. When i applications, but about bringing in the provides a way to learn more about our received the phone call from Horace right kids for Horace Mann. We also school—what we do well and what we Mann i was extremely honored to be want families to base their decision to need to improve. Ultimately, it’s about asked to come back by the Head of apply to or accept admission to Horace our willingness to make changes based School and the Director of admissions. Mann on the right reasons. We underon what we learn.” stand parents who decide they want When i considered the work we’d be The tasks formally identified by the their child in a school only five minutes office of institutional research and doing, i realized this was a way i could from home, but, every so often a famreally contribute to Horace Mann. i’ve enrollment are to: collect and share ily makes a decision based on factors had the opportunity to see lisa in acdata and information from internal and that may not be accurate, that they tion. There is no one in the admissions external sources for strategic planning heard second hand. When parents say field as equitable as she is. i’ve also and program evaluation; provide staseen the way she uses data. by bringing they are choosing a different school tistical information and data to review because it has a warmer or friendlier the admissions process together with within divisions, departments, proinstitutional research we have already been able to streamline the admissions and financial aid process. in the future we’ll be able to understand what works at this school and what needs improvement, based on research and not on anecdotal evidence.” as deeply as caldwell valued his Horace Mann education, he appreciates the learning he accomplished in his professional life here when he returned as an administrator. “few supervisors share what they know as much as lisa. i tell people all the time ‘lisa is my obiwan Kenobi.’ lisa always asks ‘are you anakin or luke?’” caldwell joked. Moreira has learned from caldwell, as well. “His background as an alumnus is invaluable. While i have gotten to know Horace Mann incredibly well over the past 15 years, Jason’s experience as a student here adds a difference. He brings a personal side to the admissions Lisa moreira had a chance to chat with her son nicholas moreira ’21 and his friends when she participated in process. With the enrollment manage- the Lower division’s communal meal at Thanksgiving. complements one another’s efforts, on behalf of Horace Mann. photo by Jasmin Ortiz Horace mann magazine Winter 2012 25

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Horace Mann - Winter 2012

Horace Mann - Winter 2012
Greetings from Dr. Tom Kelly
Greetings from Melissa Parento ’90
Horace Mann School’s 125th Anniversary Observances Begin
Strategic Thinking
New Initiatives in Institutional Research and Admissions
HM's New Director of College Counseling
Timothy HO and Monica Merlo are 2011 Tina and Dave Bellet Teaching Excellence Award Winners
Langfan Oratorical Contest, 2011
Horace Mann School Graduates 178 in June, 2011
Alumni Council Corner
Class Notes
Philanthropy and You

Horace Mann - Winter 2012
